Did you know that experts predict that in 2050 Swaziland will cease to exist? Swaziland is a country raveged by AIDS/HIV (the worlds highest known AIDS/HIV prevalence rate), leaving over 20% of children orphaned. An estimated 69% of the population lives in poverty..and so many are left widowed, ill, and with little hope.
My husband, Joseph, and I are going to be spending 9 days in this tiny country. (www.adventuresinmissions.org) With such a short amount of time it's hard to know just how much can be accomplished, but if we can show even one person the love of Christ, it'll be completely worth it!
It's about time we got out of our comfort zone to go and serve the Lord. I have been feeling a nudge towards missions for a long time, but man have I been stubborn! Christ commissioned us in Matthew 28:18-20 to "go and make disciples of all nations.." and throughout scripture He makes it known His love for the needy and our responsibility to go and love our brothers and sisters. What have we been waiting for? There is no greater blessing than to serve others while serving God. There is no greater work in the world! It's about time we stop wasting time!

Somehow, we have only 6 weeks left until we leave, and I feel so unprepared! We have all the necessities and paperwork, but I feel spiritually unprepared. I have this idea that my heart should be in this super righteous state - that I am going to march over there and have all the answers.
Clearly, that's not going to happen! I am a sinner. This mission is not about me or what I can do, it's about my Savior and what HE can do. I am trying to prepare my heart through prayer, scripture, and total reliance upon Christ. I want to feel near to Him, to feel His constant presence, to know I'm living smack dab in the middle of His will for my life.
Despite a valiant effort at preparing my heart, anxiety, doubt, and fear tend to creep there way back in. Anxiety and fear over potential risks (illness, snakes, rabid animals, crazy long flights, etc.) and doubting my ability to adequately speak Truth into these peoples lives. Simply put..how can God use me, surely someone else can do it better?

Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." He is able. He has more planned for us than anything I can imagine, and I definitely want to see what is in store! His Holy Spirit will give us the words needed to speak, and He will use our hands and feet to advance His Kingdom in some small way. No fear, doubt, anxiety is going to hold me back this time. It's time I ought to be fully trusting.
He ordained this mission and so we go. We go humbly surrendered to Him and totally confident in Him! 6 weeks from today!
You are amazing and I am so incredibly blessed and proud to have you as my best friend. It's funny - I only went to New York on my last mission and I had the same feelings and doubts about my role. I can only imagine how much grander your anxieties must be with such a big undertaking. I am proud of you for listening to His calling for you and making it happen. I hope I can be so lucky in the near future. You are a shining example of Christ and his love for us and the amazing things he can do when we honor the plans he has for us placed in our hearts. Praying for you and Joseph every day. xoxo mandie
ReplyDeleteMy really eloquent comment got erased before sending, but to summarize:
ReplyDeleteYou are the gift you are bringing to Africa. If you said nothing at all about the Lord while you were there, they would still experience God in your smile, your voice (especially if you sing), and in your mere presence.
They know how difficult it is for you to get there. In case all the fundraising wasn't enough to convince you just GOING was a gift to those people, here are some more numbers: Only 20% of Americans have passports. Less than half of those people will ever use it to leave the continent. I can't find the numbers on how many travel to Africa, but I think we can safely say that it would only be 10% of those who use their passports; putting you in the 1% of Americans who'll ever be there and you're going to do WORK.
Woman, you have got a burning fire in your heart to do well and do good. Trust that that is God in you already. You're going to do great and I'm so proud of you!